I’ve heard an apt description of insanity as repeating an action over and over again expecting different results. While I am sure I could apply this to many areas of my life, let’s just focus on one area of insanity. I’m a fair-skinned white girl very prone to burning with over-exposure in the sun. This knowledge is readily available by just looking at me, however, there have been many occasions over my lifetime that I have had an opportunity to test out this presupposition and have found it to be very true, the results of which leave me very red and in pain for days. Why then, do I operate out of my insanity, when clearly I have tested and re-tested my ability to survive in the summer sun?!? The above picture is of my leg, photographed just moments ago, three days after my sun encounter. And never fear, ever the exemplification of thoroughness, I have a matching tone on my back too. At this point I am sure someone would like to inform me about the simplistic value of sunscreen, and to this I wish I could fain ignorance, but alas, I actually had applied sunscreen to my face, arms and shoulders; I even managed to put some on my ears. But the broad sweeping strokes required for my legs and back somehow brought out the insane part of my brain, and those areas were neglected. Neglected that is until now. Now as I sit, still enduring an overarching dull pain over my back and legs with occasional sharp spikes that stab through my flesh, I wonder at the beauty of sunscreen, and its proper usage. Okay, so the stabbing through my flesh is a bit melodramatic, but please, whatever you do, don’t feel sorry for me! Why? Because I am INSANE!
Ouch! Sorry Sweetie!
I hear ya sister. I am genetically engineered for life on a rain-soaked bog in Ireland and where did I grow up? Phoenix of course. I like Neutrogena's oil-free sunblock spray, very easy application, although now I'm seeing continuous spray sunblocks that look even easier. See you on the burnt side!
LC suggests using the sunblock people use for babies...he said that it's SPF45 or something like that. I'm glad you aren'y gun-shy about this Sat. I honestly was really concerned about you ever leaving the house again while the sun was out. take care, nc
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