Monday, July 31, 2006

funny, disturbing, or just some great advice?

Conversation I overheard between two guys at the gym the other evening. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions concerning their stellar intellect: (for the purposes of keeping this post PG, f-- represents the present active form of the verb to f***)

Dude 1: I really want to get that f-- new job, but I have to f-- take that f-- state test, and its f-- a hundred bucks to take the test.

Dude 2: Dude, you should f-- take the test. I heard you could f-- make $1400 a week.

Dude 1: Yeah, that is cool, but dude, its been f-- eight years since I’ve f-- been in school. I f-- need to take a class to help me pass the f-- test because I f-- don’t remember the difference between my f-- synonyms and my f-- acronyms!

Dude 2: Hey dude, I know its f-- a hundred bucks to take the test, but my buddy f-- took the same test, and if you f-- don’t pass it the first time, then its f-- only $25 to take it again.

Dude 1: Wow, that's f-- cool!

1 comment:

Follow the Frog said...

I'm so glad I'm a girl. A girl with (some) class.