Tuesday, May 30, 2006

position for mcdreamy is currently open…

So I was once again stood-up by S, a.k.a. NLMMcD*. We were supposed to go on a picnic yesterday, and once again he didn’t call. I’m really not mad; I just marvel at his ability to continually stand me up. However, the bigger mystery is how I continually believe that the dates will actually happen. My ambivalence to the whole situation probably speaks the loudest. I ultimately know that this isn’t a connection that will provide a lasting relationship, so I guess it is easy to not get upset about it. I’m still wondering why he can’t seem to follow through. I realize though, that this has a lot more to do with my ardent curiosity of human behavior, versus my sadness of a missed date. Although I’m not mad, I do think I will have to downgrade his status as my McDreamy. Hot or not, even I have my limits.

*No Longer My McDreamy

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